Non-Allergenic Dog Breeds - 14 Best Choices
Would you love to own a dog, but are unable to as you are allergic to dog hair?
There are options for you as you can choose a breed of non-allergenic dogs that will not shed much hair or dander.
These non-shedding dogs are referred to as non-allergenic dog breeds, and they are a great choice for people with allergies.
Although no dog is 100 percent non-hypoallergenic or non shedding some breeds have very minimal shedding.
Here are 12 small to medium-sized non-allergenic dog breeds that are the best choices if you are a mild allergy sufferer.
1. Affenpinscher
Many dog owners who have allergies won’t have a problem with an Affenpinscher in the house. The Affenpinscher has a wiry coat, which doesn’t shed a lot. You just need to occasionally brush out the removal of old, dead hairs.
2. Basenji

The Basenji are like a cat in that they are efficient in self-cleaning. Not only do they groom themselves, but their soft, short hair will not shed as much as most other dogs. Thus, they leave less dander to affect people with allergies.
3. Bedlington Terrier
This dog breed has a wooly, tightly curled coat that barely sheds. The Bedlington looks like a has tight curly hair, but can become matted without daily brushing.
4. Bichon Frise
The Bichon Frise has a soft, fluffy, and tightly curled coat, so dead hairs with dander stay in place until you brush out the dead hairs.
5. Hairless Chinese Crested Dog
The Hairless Chinese Crested have very little hair anyway, so they won't shed hardly at all. That means you have very little chance of any allergic reaction to this breed.
6. Havanese
The Havanese breed is similar to the Bichon Frise, with similar coats, which is great for people with allergies. Their fluffy coats have a soft wave, not curly like a Bichon, that helps prevent shedding hair.
7. Irish Water Spaniel

The Irish Water Spaniels is a good choice for allergy sufferers. However, you have to do regular brush-outs and bathing for their coat. Since they have no undercoat, it won’t be a problem with all those curls as there is less shedding.
8. Kerry Blue Terrier
The Kerry Blue Terrier doesn’t shed often. Usually about every three weeks.
This helps with allergy sufferers, as you can more easily control the amount of hair that falls in your home.
Kerry Blues are known as non-shedders with their wavy, curly coats retaining much of the allergy-causing hairs until grooming day.
9. Komondor
Adult Komondors grow a double coat. They have one wooly undercoat and one curly outer coat. Since their hair is so tightly formed, there isn’t a lot of shedding. They may have a whole cord that might fall off, but not individual, allergy-irritating hairs. This makes it ideal for allergy sufferers.
10. Poodle
Not only are poodles a popular dog, but they are ideal for people with sensitive allergies to dog hair. They are a light-shedding breed, as their curly coat holds onto dead hair and dander. They are also easy-maintenance dogs for grooming.
11, Maltese

Maltese dogs have a single coat of hair instead of fur, so they shed very little. They tend to produce less dander, which makes them more suitable for individuals with allergies.
12. Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
Wheaten Terriers have a single coat of soft, silky hair and not a double coat with a harsh outer layer like some breeds. This type of coat tends to produce less dander and shed less. Thus, this makes them make them more suitable for individuals with allergies.
Any of these 12 non-allergenic dog breeds can be a great choice for those who suffer from allergies and want to own a lovable dog.
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